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Blog & Updates



Hello hello~

Another blog update this year! It's still that early wintertime of year where it's lots of staying inside & trying to avoid the cold and the dark lol.  I've been trying to get more in touch with things outside of my computer. I started keeping an actual pen and paper diary (ty to my family who got it for me for the holidays, it's a beautiful pink my melody cover with high quality paper, and some gel pens to go with! I'm not sure where they got them, but one has Kunikida from BSD on the barrel, and the other has Rei Ayanami from NGE). I've also been looking into making a zine - I like having different projects to work on and the idea of having a physical paper.... thing, of my art and writing I could distribute sounds lovely. I'm not sure if I'd want to do a fandom/themed one, or if I'd want to do just a general one! Either way, if I get around to it, I'd like to make it a subpage on my site here - if I don't sell or giveaway physical copies, I'd like to put digitals up on this site for people to download and print at home, if they'd like. 

The past few weeks have been a big lesson in dealing with stress. I have had some things going on in my private life that have been less than stellar, but you get through it, you know? It's been a lot of learning to work on the things within my control, rather than stressing about the things I can't. I'm not sure why, maybe it's the time of year, maybe it's just coincidence,but it seems like the post-holidays-but-before-spring time of year is always when things go a little bit to shit, lmfao. That's okay, though, if everything was amazing all the time, It'd be harder to appreciate it when things were good.

Website behind-the-scenes: I'm working on getting together a resources page! Right now it's mostly just neocities/beginner html resources, but eventually I'd like to add other.... categories of resources, I guess? lol I'm honestly not quite sure what I'm looking for, but as long as it helps someone, it's good enough!

I've got a lot of little projects, but honestly? that's okay, I think. Having a repertoire of hobbies to cycle through at least keeps my brain stimulated. This is the time of year where I kinda bounce around hobbies a lot too, being a bit restless. 



Whoopsies, I only put one blog post for all of 2024~ LOL- Honestly, I don't really do new year's resolutions, but just general goal setting, I do want to update my site more often! With how awful social media/corporatized media has been lately, I really want to keep working on my little corner of the internet. I'm not terribly informed about it, but I did read a little bit about the facebook/instagram bot account plans//the dead internet theory, and honestly, anything I can do to combat that by having my own website, my own space that is so clearly NOT a bot space makes me feel a little better about the entire thing.

Looking back on this year, I did a lot! I did my first big independent vacation (Anime Central), and then a few months later I went to New Orleans! (I'll probably post a more in-depth aside about that another time). I also think I just.... grew as a person. I had to do some serious adulting/figuring shit out. I changed my mental health medication for the first time in years, and went a portion of the year unmedicated. It was a.... different experience. Don't do what I did, always follow your doctor's advice, but with the place I was in when that happened, it kind of opened my eyes to the fact that my medication wasn't really serving me that strongly.

Another point of growth, honestly, was my relationship (I don't know how often you lurk on my blog, but if you're reading this, hi baby!). 2024 marked the first year I was in a continuous relationship for the entirety of the year (we got together in 2023 and we've continued to stay together into 2025). Getting the opportunity to experience growth ~with~ someone, not just growing close to and then growing apart from someone, was very different than what I would've expected. Knowing someone that well, having that reliability of knowing I always have someone to turn to, someone who cares about me, my thoughts, my feelings, what I'm going through, it's,... it honestly doesn't feel real sometimes, but in a good way? I'm of the opinion that all romantic relationships should be built on a strong platonic foundation: you should be friends with your partner before you're _partners_, and having that foundation to fall back on when there were moments that the ~romance~ either wasn't needed or wasn't appropriate was reassuring.

I'm scared of the future sometimes. Not even on a large scale, the-world-is-dying-and-politicans-are-evil-and-everything's-going-to-shit way, but in the context of my own little world. I think new years is a reminder of that. People say to chase your dreams, but in all honesty, I think a lot of times I don't even know what those dreams are for me. I see snippets of what could be in my reflection. Some are just a daydream meant to be admired, and others are things I should chase. I have a hard time telling them apart.

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe they're all meant to be chased. Maybe I'm supposed to reach out with both hands even toward the most idealistic versions and what-ifs. Maybe this year is the year I start actually reaching. Maybe this year is the year I hold on tight.


Hi! Its been a really long time since I put up a blog entry oopsies ~ I have so many projects and memories! I meant to make a post closer to when I got back, but I got to travel and go on a lil vacation to Anime Central back in May! It was my second year going, and I had so much fun :) I really look forward to it all year lol - Highlights include: competing in my first esports tournament, D&D improv comedy show (I went to both nights, SO much fun!) and meeting Anne Yatco & Cassandra Lee Morris! ~ After ACen, it was back to normal for a while, taking a lil break after such a big trip, but now I'm up and participating in Art Fight this year! There's a brand-new button on my page for it, I've posted a few attacks already, and I've been having so so much fun :) If you see this and want some art, message me on the artfight site! :) ~ other news and general maintenance, it just hit me the other day I've had this site for over a year now LOL - wow!!!! I really think my coding's gotten better and I've learned a lot! ~ I am also sick right now lol (no covid thankfully!) so I've been spending a lot of time drawing and in front of my 'puter - it would be my luck that during summer when it's nice to go outside I'm stuck home sneezing and wheezing lol ~ I think that's about it for right now! much love, see ya next time I post! lol <3


How has it been a month already??? Goodness, I had a busy August! I was very lucky and was able to have someone very special fly out and visit me for a long weekend :) I also did my very first cosplay! I was a korok (from botw/totk). It was a really lovely experience, going to an event and being recognized by my cosplay, and people coming up and asking for pictures! I had been to cons/fan events before, but never in cosplay, and it was a really nice time being able to engage with people as a cosplayer myself now :) The outfit was mostly thrifted/closet cosplay, but I did completely hand-make my korok mask/headpiece! It took about a full afternoon to make. I used foam board, acrylic paints, artificial moss, and a hard-plastic headband to make the full piece (pictures to follow! I just don't have any ready right now lol). Site maintenance and webmaster news: I added a bit more to the About Me page, adding some of those very early 00's quiz result badges. All of them should be clickable links that will take you back to the quizzes, if you want to take them too! Also, for future reference, I think my next project is making a dedicated change-log, so this will become more of just a blog and thoughts section, and then the change log will only be for documenting changes and updates to the actual site. I plan on keeping track of the dates of any changes between now and when I actually get the change log up, so there shouldn't be a gap in the records!


Maintenance check! Rotated out some seasonal blinkies, and joined my first web-ring! I'm now a member of the self-insert web-ring, I put the badge right on the main page lol (it might end up moving to the about me page once that's ready). Also worked on the about me page, though it's not quite done and linked just yet, and started consolidating/organizing some links for an eventual resources/directory page I want to make!


more maintenance! Added the marquee of buttons and blinkies to the main page.


More site maintenance today! I added a 150 x 20 blinkie (thank you AND learned how to add a box with copyable text so that people can copy the html and add my button to their sites :) Also, email information has been added to the bottom of the main page!

Active projects include: Working on and eventually linking my about me page to the button on the front page (I did not realize how much thinking goes into making an about page!) - Collecting all of my art that I would like to put on the gallery page - Collecting all of the blinkies/buttons/links for other web revival sites I want to link to, I've been keeping a running list in just a notes file, but most sites have an actual button/link, and I love seeing button walls with all kinds of sites, so I want to make one of those for this site too - Making more graphics/blinkies/buttons in different sizes, and making the code so they can be linked, I know some people only do certain button sizes so I want to make different options! - Continuing to work on my art/writing/creative portfolio so I have more to add to this site over time :)


Site maintenance: added some blinkies and general design elements to the front page.

It has been.... a day. Some of those things are good! and other of those things are not so good :( The not so good things are thankfully pretty much resolved, but just thinking about it in general, remember to take care of yourselves, y'all. Take the time to really take care of yourself and do what you need to do, to keep yourself sane and happy. Neocities has some sweet and fun sites about mental health and self-care, and I like to check some of those out too. I for one am a big fan of tactile self care, stuff like taking a long, hot bath, and getting a manicure. I've found that taking care of the outside of me, helps me take care of the inside of me haha. I've been working on a lot more art lately, both digital art and taking the time to practice drawing and painting, and then also reaching out to new mediums. I've been working on an idea for a statue/interactive art piece recently, with an element of robotics and coding as well! I want to create something semi-interactive, and something that responds to visual and auditory cues. I've been fascinated by the DIY element of coding and building your own projects lately. I'm not sure what prompted it, but I've been craving to make things with my hands, to manipulate the world around me, that kind of thing, even with the aid of technology and those kinds of things.


Hi!!! It's been a minute, hasn't it? I always have a very busy May, so I had my hands full for a while, but thankfully it was all lovely! Housekeeping notes: I fixed most of the links to open in the same window, because I realized the way I had them coded, every single button opened a new tab, and that resulted in very quickly ending up with 6+ tabs open if you do anything on this site lol. Now, the only links that open in a new window are external links, so you still have my homepage open (stuff like my Ao3, twitter, guestbook, etc).


Hello hello! We're here with a new month; can y'all believe it's april already?!? I barely can. 0_0... Fun things are in the works, I've been working more on my art portfolio, and hopefully soon I can have some of it up on this site. Also, as a Resident Gamer; have y'all seen the new overwatch support hero that got announced today?!? I'm so hype!!! he looks like so much fun!!! Also, I can't believe I'm saying this, but good job blizzard for having Southeast Asian AND Queer representation (he is Thai and Pansexual :). I'm literally counting down the days until the new season starts lol, I'm a support main and I can't wait to try out his kit!


Hello hello, it's been a minute since an update! Unfortunately, a combination of real-life responsibilities and internet connectivity issues over the past few weeks has slowed down my progress on this site. That being said, I've still been reading and learning about web 1.0, and getting inspiration for this site and future projects 0__0. Hopefully both the life stuff and the internet stuff gets resolved soon, and I can keep working on adding to the existing pages and adding new pages to the site. :)


Standard/default cursor has been updated to the inuyasha cursor on all pages currently up :)


We have a blog & updates page now! Woo!! In addition to this, the BYF/DNI and the Manifesto buttons also work correctly now, and don't just lead to a 404/dead end page! I also got all the alt text for the main buttons corrected so the right description matches the right button.

There's still a lot that needs to get done: I need to build/link the about me page, build/link the art gallery page, write in alt text for all the little gifs/blinkies/decorative bits and bobs all over the site, and set up both the resources page/button and the links page/button.

I want to make two separate pages eventually, one to link all the lovely resources and help pages made by fellow neocities sites that helped me get off the ground and make this, as well as have just a separate links page for other sites/things I think are cool/interesting.

I also definintely need to look into connecting with some other webmasters and getting listed on some webrings/directories, those seem like a lot of fun!

Hopefully I'll have all of that up and running soon, and with minimal technical difficulties, lol.